Check out Candy Pros Feature on San Diego Living-Channel 6

On Monday, December 6th Candy Pros was featured on Channel 6’s San Diego Living. The video is below: [youtube=]  On top of our feature, Chef Katherine came in to our warehouse last week, and we started gathering supplies for her candy creations. She really turned candy in to an amazing snack with her creations. Here is her delicious Mexican Candy Apple recipe: 1 Granny Smith Apple 5 pieces of El Azteca Pica-Bola Use as you like-Dulces Moreliates Roll 5 Pico Bola candies in to one flat piece. Heat the Pica-Bola in the microwave for 15 seconds in plastic wrap.  Then, cover the granny smith apple with the softened El Azteca Pica Bola candy coating. Place assorted Dulce Moreliates decorations and spices as you please. Enjoy! Thanks Chef Katherine!